PUBLICATIONS: A.M. Donald (neé
1. L.M. Brown, A.J. Craven, L.G.P. Jones, A.M. Griffith, W.M. Stobbs & C.J. Wilson - SEM 1976, IITRI, 353-7. Application of a high resolution STEM to Materials Science.
2. L.M. Brown, A.J. Craven, A.M. Griffith, L.G.P. Jones, U. Valdre, P.R. Ward & C.J. Wilson - 1976, 6th Eur. Cong. EM, Jerusalem. The application of high resolution STEM to some materials problems.
3. A.M. Donald - 1976, Phil. Mag. 34, 1185-89. Some observations on grain boundaries in Cu-Bi alloys.
4. A.M. Donald, L.M. Brown & A.J. Craven - 1977, Inst. of Phys. Conf. Ser. No.36, EMAG, 169-173. Grain boundary studies using an STEM.
C.B. Carter, A.M. Donald & S.L. Sass - 1978, Proc. 9th Int. Cong. on EM,
6. A.M. Donald & L.M. Brown - 1979, Acta Met. 27, 59-66. Grain boundary faceting in Cu-Bi alloys.
7. A.M. Donald & A.J. Craven - 1979, Phil. Mag. 39, 1-11. A study of grain boundary segregation in Cu-Bi using STEM.
8. C.B. Carter, A.M. Donald & S.L. Sass - 1979, Phil. Mag. 39, 533-549. Diffraction effects and images from inclined grain boundaries in polycrystalline thin foils.
9. C.B. Carter, A.M. Donald & S.L. Sass - 1980, Phil. Mag. 41, 467-475. The measurement of grain boundary thickness using electron diffraction techniques.
10. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1981, Phil. Mag. A43, 857-870. The mechanism for craze tip advance.
11. A.M. Donald, T. Chan & E.J. Kramer - 1981, J. Mat. Sci. 16, 669-675. The effect of film thickness on craze microstructure.
12. T. Chan, A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1981, J. Mat. Sci. 16, 676-686. Film thickness effects on craze micromechanics.
13. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1981, J. Mat. Sci. 16, 2967-76. Plane stress deformation zones at crack tips in polycarbonate.
14. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1981, J. Mat. Sci. 16, 2977-87. Micromechanics and kinetics of deformation zones at crack tips in polycarbonate.
15. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1982, J. Poly. Sci. Phys. Ed. 20, 889-909. Effects of molecular entanglements on craze microstructure in glassy polymers.
16. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1982, Polymer 23, 457-460. The effect of strain history on craze microstructure.
17. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1982, Polymer 23, 461-66. Craze microstructure and molecular entanglements in polystyrene-polyphenylene oxide blends.
18. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1982, J. Mat. Sci. 17, 2351-58. Internal structure of rubber particles and craze breakdown in HIPS.
19. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1982, Polymer 23, 1183-88. Deformation zones and entanglements in glassy polymers.
20. A.M. Donald, E.J. Kramer & R.P. Kambour - 1982, J. Mat. Sci. 17, 1739-46. Interaction of crazes with pre-existing shear bands in glassy polymers.
21. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1982, J. Appl. Poly. Sci. 27, 3729-41. Craze initiation and growth in HIPS.
22. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1982, J. Mat. Sci. 17, 1871-79. The competition between shear deformation and crazing in glassy polymers.
23. A.M. Donald, E.J. Kramer & R.A. Bubeck - 1982, J. Poly. Sci. Phys. Ed. 20, 1129-41. The entanglement network and craze micromechanics in glassy polymers.
24. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1982, J. Mat. Sci. 17, 1765-72. Plastic deformation mechanisms in ABS.
A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1982,
5th Int. Conf. on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers,
26. J. Budai, A.M. Donald & S.L. Sass - 1982, Scripta Met. 16, 393-398. Comparison of the structures of the large angle S =13 [001] twist grain boundary structure in gold and silver.
27. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1982, Polymer Prep. 23, 60. Molecular entanglements and the microrheology of the glassy state.
28. A.M. Donald & E.J. Kramer - 1983, Polymer 24, 1063-66. Molecular weight distribution effects on craze micromechanics.
29. A.M. Donald, C. Viney & A.H. Windle - 1983, Polymer 24, 155-160. Banded structures in oriented thermotropic polymers.
30. C. Viney, A.M. Donald & A.H. Windle - 1983, J. Mat. Sci. 18, 1136-42. Optical microscopy of banded structures in thermotropic polymers.
31. A.M. Donald & A.H. Windle - 1983, J. Mat. Sci. 18, 1143-50. Electron microscopy of banded structures in oriented thermotropic polymers.
32. A.M. Donald - 1983, Phil. Mag. 47, L13-17. Microdiffraction applied to thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers.
33. A.M. Donald - 1983, Inst. of Phys. Conf. Ser. 68, 189-92. "Domains" and "walls" in liquid crystalline polymers.
34. A.M. Donald & A.H. Windle - 1984, Coll. and Poly. Sci. 261, 793-99. An electron diffraction analysis of banded structures in thermotropic polymers.
35. A.M. Donald - 1984, J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 3, 44-46. Evidence for homeotropy in thermotropic polymers from electron microscopy.
36. A.M. Donald & A.H. Windle - 1984, J. Mat. Sci. 19, 2085-97. Transformation of banded structures on annealing thin films of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers.
37. A.M. Donald & A.H. Windle - 1984, Polymer 25, 1235-46. Walls in liquid crystalline polymers: an electron microscopy study.
38. K.E. Evans & A.M. Donald - 1985, Polymer, 26, 101-4. Experimental evidence for the configurational statistics of the primitive path model for reptation.
39. A.M. Donald & A.H. Windle - 1985, J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 4, 58-60. Direct observation of ordered regions in thermotropic copolyesters.
40. C. Viney, A.M. Donald & A.H. Windle - 1985, Polymer 26, 870-878. Molecular correlations in sheared thermotropic copolyesters showing banded textures.
41. A.M. Donald - 1985, J. Mat. Sci. 20, 2630-38. The effect of temperature on crazing mechanisms in polystyrene.
42. A.M. Donald, C. Viney & A.H. Windle - 1985, Phil. Mag. B52, 925-941. Domains and walls in thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers: an optical microscopy study.
43. A.H. Windle, C. Viney, R. Golombok, A.M. Donald & G.R. Mitchell -1985, in Far. Disc. Chem. Soc. 79, 55-72. Molecular correlation in thermotropic copolyesters.
A.M. Donald - 1985,
6th Int. Conf. on Yield, Fracture and Deformation of Polymers,
45. D.G. Gilbert & A.M. Donald - 1986, J. Mat. Sci. 21, 1819-23. Observation of an additional toughening mechanism in high impact polystyrene.
46. A.M. Donald - 1986, Polymer Comm. 27, 18-20. Surface interactions of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers.
47. R.A.L. Jones, J. Klein and A.M. Donald - 1986, Nature 321, 161-2. Mutual diffusion in a compatible polymer blend.
48. A.M. Donald, C. Viney & A.P. Ritter - 1986, Liquid Crystals 1, 267-300. The parabolic focal conic texture in a lyotropic liquid crystal polymer.
49. K.E.Sickafus, S.D.Berger & A.M.Donald - 1987, Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. 79, 115-121. STEM observations of the microstructures present in polymer blend thin films.
50. A. Hill & A.M. Donald - 1987, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 153, 395-404. Gelation in the poly(g-benzyl-L-glutamate) - benzyl alcohol system.
51. S.G. James, A.M. Donald & W. MacDonald - 1987, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 153, 491-500. Blends of a liquid crstalline copolyester with polyethersulphone.
52. 52) E.A. Jordan, R.C.Ball, A.M.Donald, L.J.Fetters, R.A.L.Jones & J.Klein - 1988, Macromolecules 21, 235-329. Mutual diffusion in blends of long and short entangled polymer chains.
S.C.Warburton, A.M.Donald and A.C.Smith, 1988,
7th Int. Conf. on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers,
C.J.G.Plummer and AM
Donald, 1988,
7th Int. Conf. on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers,
55. K.E. Sickafus, S.D. Berger & A.M. Donald - 1988, J.Mat Sci. 23, 1368-78 Complexities in the STEM analysis of polymer blend thin films.
56. A. Hill & A.M. Donald - 1988, Polymer 29, 1426-32. DSC and modulus measurements on poly(g-benzyl-L-glutamate) gels.
E.A. Jordan, R.C.Ball,
A.M.Donald, L.J.Fetters, R.A.L.Jones & J.Klein - Proceedings of the meeting on polymer motion
in dense systems,
58. K.E. Sickafus & A.M. Donald - 1989 Brit. Poly. J. 21, 215-226. Microscopic observations on polyethersulphone-polystyrene blends.
59. C.J.G.Plummer and AM Donald - 1989, J.Mat. Sci.24 1399-1405. Crazing mechanisms and craze healing in glassy polymers.
60. C.J.G.Plummer and AM Donald - 1989, J. Poly. Sci. Phys. Ed. 27, 325-336. The deformation behaviour of polyethersulphone and polycarbonate.
61. E.A. Jordan, A.M.Donald, L.J.Fetters & J.Klein -1989, Polymer Preprints 30, 63. Transition from linear to star-branched diffusion in entangled polymer melts.
62. A. Hill & A.M. Donald - 1989, Liquid Crystals 6 93-110. Phase behaviour of poly(g-benzyl-L-glutamate) in benzyl alcohol .
63. O.A.Nehme, P.Johnson and A.M.Donald - 1989, Macromolecules 22 4326-4333. Probe diffusion in poly-L-lysine solutions.
64. T.B.McLeish, C.J.G.Plummer and A.M.Donald, 1989, Polymer 30 1651-56. Crazing by disentanglement: non-diffusive reptation.
J.Horton and A.M.Donald. 1990
"Physical Networks", ed.
66. S.C.Warburton, A.M.Donald and A.C. Smith - 1990, J.Mat. Sci. 25, 4001-7. Deformation of brittle starch foams.
67. C.J.G.Plummer and A.M.Donald - 1990, J.Appl. Poly. Sci. 41, 1197-1212. Ductile-brittle transition in macroscopic tests on polyethersulphone.
68. J.C.Horton and A.M.Donald - 1990 Makromol Chemie Macromol Symp 39, 131-35. Phase separation in the PBLG-BA system.
69. C.J.G.Plummer and A.M. Donald- 1990. Macromols 23, 3929-37. Disentanglement and crazing in glassy polymers.
70. JC Horton and AM Donald and A Hill - 1990 Nature 346, 44-45. Coexisting liquid crystalline phases in solution.
71. RE Cameron and AM Donald,- 1991 "Food Polymers, Gels and Colloids", RSC Special Publication 82, 301. Small Angle Xray Scattering from starch and retrograded starch.
72. JC Horton and AM Donald - 1991 "Food Polymers, Gels and Colloids", RSC Special Publication 82, 508 . Gelation and phase separation in the PBLG-BA system.
73. A.M. Donald. In "Integration of Polymer Science and Technology", Volume 5, 337-346, eds PJ Lemstra and LA Kleintjens. Elsevier 1991. The effect of disentanglement processes on crazing.
74. C.J.G.Plummer and A.M.Donald -1991 J.Mat. Sci. 26 1165-72. The effect of cross-linking on crazing in polyethersulphone.
75. C.J.G.Plummer and A.M. Donald - 1991 Polymer 32 409-18. Craze fibril breakdown in glassy polymers.
76. E.C.Cooper, A.M.Donald and P.Johnson - 1991 Polymer 32 2815-21. Probe diffusion in the dilute-semi-dilute regime I polyethylene oxide
77. J.C.Horton and A.M.Donald- 1991 Polymer 32 2418-28. Phase separation in the PBLG-BA system and its role in gelation.
78. EL Welland and AM Donald -1991 Int J Biol Macromols 13 69-72. Single crystals of V amylose.
79. AE Dray, F Wittmann, RH Friend, AM Donald, MS Khan, J Lewis and BF Johnson - 1991 Synthetic Metals 41-43 871-74. Structure and electronic structure of transition metal containing poly-ynes.
80. E.C.Cooper, A.M.Donald and P.Johnson - 1991 Macromols 24 5380-86. Probe diffusion in the dilute-semi-dilute regime II: polyelectrolytes.
81. SC Warburton, AM Donald and AC Smith - 1991- 8th Int Conf on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers 42.1-4. The deformation of thin starch films.
82. AP More and AM Donald - 1991- 8th Int Conf on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers 11.1-4. Aliphatic polyamide: microstructural aspects of thin film deformation.
83. P Tordjema, JL Halary, L Monnerie and AM Donald - 1991- 8th Int Conf on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers 55.1-4. Composition effect on crazing and shear banding in styrene-co-methacrylate random copolymers.
84. C.J.G.Plummer and A.M. Donald - 1991 - Polymer 32 3322-30. The effect of stress aging on deformation in thin films of polystyrene and polyethersulphone.
85. AP More and AM Donald - 1991 - IOP Conf Ser 119, 357-360. A microstructural analysis of thin film deformation for semicrystalline polymer films by TEM.
86. AE Dray, AM Donald, RH Friend, MS Khan, J Lewis, R Rachel and WO Saxton - 1991 - IOP Conf Ser 119, 349-352. Application of low dose techniques and structure determination in a transition metal containing poly-yne.
87. SC Warburton, AM Donald and AC Smith - 1992 - J Mat Sci. 27 1469-1474.Structure and mechanical properties of brittle starch foams.
88. AP More and AM Donald, 1992, Poly Prep. 33, 733 Salt assisted deformation of thin film nylon: a TEM study.
89. AE Dray, R Rachel, WO Saxton, AM Donald, RH Friend, MS Khan and J Lewis -1992 - Ultramicroscopy 41 83-88. Beam damage in a transition metal-containing poly-yne.
90. RE Cameron and AM Donald - 1992 - Polymer 33 2628. A SAXS study of the annealing and gelatinisation of starch.
91. AP More and AM Donald - 1992 Polymer 33 4081-6 The effect of metal halides on the deformation mechanism of thin films of nylon.
92. AP More and AM Donald - 1992 Polymer 33 3759. The effect of stress on diffusion in glassy polymers.
93. AE Dray, R Rachel, WO Saxton, J Lewis, MS Khan, AM Donald and RH Friend - 1992 - Macromolecules 25 3473. Structure of a transition metal-containing poly-yne.
94. SG James, AM Donald, IS Miles and WA MacDonald - 1992 High Perf Polymers 4 3. Correlation between the morphology and permeability of liquid crystalline polymer/polyether sulphone blends.
95. SG James, AM Donald, IS Miles, L Mallagh and WA MacDonald-1993 J Poly Sci Phys 31 221-7. Measurement of the interfacial tension between PES and a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer.
96. CM Durrani, DA Prystupa, AM Donald and AH Clark - 1993, Macromols 26 981-7. The phase diagram of mixtures of polymers in aqueous solution using FTIR spectroscopy.
97. RE Cameron and AM Donald- 1993 Carb Res 244 225-236. A small angle Xray scattering study of the absorption of water into the starch granule.
98. DA Prystupa and AM Donald - 1993 Macromols 26 1947-55. An infra-red study of molecular aggregation in the poly-g-benzyl-L-glutamate system.
99. SC Warburton, AM Donald and AC Smith - 1993 Carb Poly 21 17-21. The deformation of thin films made from extruded starch.
100. RE Cameron and AM Donald - 1993 J Poly Sci. 31 1197-1204. A small angle Xray scattering study of starch gelatinisation in excess and limiting water.
101. H Bos and AM Donald - 1993 Polymer 34 , 3191-7. The deformation behaviour of thin films of SMA/SAN blends.
103. SJ Livings, AM Donald and AC Smith, - 1993, in "The glassy state in foods", eds JMV Blanshard and PJ Lillford, 507-511. Ageing in confectionery wafers.
104. AP More and AM Donald- 1993 Polymer 34 5093. Mechanical properties of nylon 6 after treatment with metal halides.
105. DT Stell, AM Donald and WA MacDonald - 1993 High Perf Poly 5 333-349. The effect of changing chain stiffness on morphology in a family of thermotropic copolyesters
106. PJ Jenkins, RE Cameron and AM Donald - 1993 Stärke 45 417. Universal features in the structure of the starch granule from different botanical sources.
107. CMP Durrani and AM Donald - 1994 Macromols 27 110-119. FTIR microspectroscopy of phase-separated biopolymer gels.
108. RE Cameron and AM Donald, - 1994 J. Microscopy 173 227-237 . Minimisation of sample evaporation in the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope.
109. RE Cameron, M Jalil and AM Donald - 1994 Macromols 27 2708-13. Diffusion of bovine serum albumin in amylopectin gels using FTIR microspectroscopy.
110. CMP Durrani and AM Donald 1995 Polymer Gels and Networks 3 1-27. Physical characterisation of amylopectin gels.
111. RE Cameron, CMP Durrani and AM Donald - 1994 Stärke 46 285-7. Amylopectin gels without long range order.
112. PJ Jenkins, RE Cameron, AM Donald, W Bras, GE Derbyshire, GR Mant, AJ Ryan- 1994, J Poly Sci Phys Ed. 32 1579-83. In situ simultaneous small and wide angle Xray scattering: a new technique to study starch gelatinisation.
113. AJ Steventon, AM Donald and LF Gladden - 1994, in 'Biochemstry of Milk Products', RSC Special Publication 150, ed AT Andrews and J Varley, p133. Thermal aggregation of whey protein concentrates under fluid shear conditions.
114. RJ Levett and AM Donald -1994 - 9th International Conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture, P45 1-4. Investigation into the deformation behaviour of PMMA.
115. CB Breach, AM Donald and RAL Jones 1994 - 9th International Conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture, 19.1-4. Fracture behaviour of polymer interfaces by an asymmetric dual cantilever test and deformation in an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM).
116. MF Butler, AJ Ryan, W Bras and AM Donald 1994 - 9th International Conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture, 122.1-4. Xray scattering studies of in situ deformation of polyethylene.
117. C
Hall, WD
118. P Meredith, AM Donald and K Luke - 1995 - J Mat Sci. 30 1921-1930. Pre-induction and induction hydration of tricalcium silicate: an environmental scanning electron microscopy study.
119. P Tordjeman, JL Halary, L Monnerie and AM Donald - 1995 - Polymer 36 1627-35. On the role of entanglements on the embrittlement of polymethylmethacrylate-based random copolymers.
120. AJ Steventon, LF Gladden and AM Donald - Proc Food Process Engineering Conf 1994. Heat-induced aggregation of a commercial whey protein concentrate under controlled fluid shear conditions.
121. JL Keddie, P Meredith, RAL Jones and AM Donald - 1995 - Macromols 28 2673-2682. Kinetics of film formation in acrylic latices studied with multiple-angle-of-incidence ellipsometry and environmental SEM.
122. PJ Jenkins and AM Donald - 1995 Int J Biol Macromols 17 315-21. The effect of amylose on starch granule structure.
123. MF Butler, AM Donald, W Bras, GR Mant, GE Derbyshire and AJ Ryan - 1995 Macromols 28 6383-93. A real time simultaneous small and wide angle Xray scattering study of in-situ deformation of isotropic polyethylene.
124. CM Durrani and AM Donald - 1995, Carb Poly 28 297-303 . Compositional mapping of mixed gels using FTIR microspectroscopy.
125. P Meredith, AM Donald and K Luke - 1995 Scanning 17 V54. In-situ hydration studies of the components of Ordinary Portland Cement.
126. P Meredith, JL Keddie and AM Donald - 1995 Scanning 17 V57. Imaging of "wet" polymer latices in environmental SEM: some imaging considerations.
127. JL Keddie, P Meredith, RAL Jones and AM Donald - 1995 Polymer Preprints 210 76-7. Rate-limiting steps in the film formation of water-borne acrylic latices as elucidated with ellipsometry and environmental-SEM.
128. P Meredith and AM Donald, - 1996 - J Microscopy, 181 23-35. Study of 'wet' polymer latex systems in environmental scanning electron microscopy: some imaging considerations.
129. T Waigh, PJ Jenkins and AM Donald - 1996 Far Disc 103 , 325-337. Quantification of Water in Carbohydrate Lamellae Using Small Angle Neutron Scattering.
130. DA Prystupa and AM Donald - 1996 Polymers Gels and Networks 4 87-110. An infrared study of gelatin conformations in the gel and sol states.
131. P Meredith, AM Donald and RS Payne - 1996 J Pharm Sci.85 631-637. Freeze drying: in situ observations using cryo ESEM and DSC.
132. PJ Jenkins and AM Donald - 1996 Polymer 37 5559-5568 Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering to the Study of Starch Granule Structure.
133. JL Keddie, P Meredith, RAL Jones and AM Donald - 1996 Langmuir 12 3793-3801. Film formation of acrylic latices with varying concentrations of non-film forming particles.
134. P Meredith , AM Donald and B Thiel - 1996 Scanning 18 467-73. Electron-gas interactions in the environmental SEM's gaseous detector.
135. JL Keddie, P Meredith, RAL Jones and AM Donald -1996 - ACS Symposium Series 648, eds T Provder, MA Winnik and MW Urban, 332-48. Rate-limiting steps in the film formation of water-borne acrylic latices as elucidated with ellipsometry and environmental-SEM.
136. C He, AM Donald, MF Butler and O Diat -1996 - J Macromol Sci Symp 112 115-122. In-situ deformation studies of rubber toughened PMMA: a SAXS analysis of the response of core shell particles to deformation.
137. L Sun, CM Durrani, AM Donald, AJ Fillery-Travis and J Leney - 1996 - Biophysical Chemistry 61 143-50. Diffusion of mixed micelles of bile-salt-lecithin in amylopectin gels: A Fourier Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy Approach.
138. C He and AM Donald, 1996- Langmuir 12 6250-6 . Morphology of core-shell polymer latices during drying.
139. B Thiel, IC Bache, AL Fletcher, P Meredith and AM Donald - 1997 - J Microscopy 187 143-157. An improved model for gaseous amplification in the environmental SEM.
140. LM Jenkins and AM Donald- 1997 - Scanning 19 92-7. Use of the ESEM for the observation of swelling behaviour of cellulosic fibre assemblies.
141. L Sun and AM Donald, 1997- Int J Biol Macromols, 20, 205-7 . The effect of aging of amylopectin gels on the diffusion of BSA.
142. TA Waigh, MF Butler, I Hopkinson, F Heidelbach, C Riekel and AM Donald - 1997 - Macromolecules 30, 3813-20. Analysis of the native structure of starch granules with X-ray microfocus diffraction.
143. AL Fletcher, BL Thiel and AM Donald, 1997- J Phys D 30, 2249-57. Amplification measurements of alternative imaging gases in the ESEM.
144. MF Butler and AM Donald - 1997 - J Mat Sci 32 3675-3685. Deformation of Spherulitic Polyethylene Thin Films.
145. IC Bache, VJ Anderson, RAL Jones and AM Donald - 1997 - Microscopy and Microanalyis 1997, 3 supp 2: 605-6. The observation of hierarchical structures in biopolymer phase separation: novel ESEM contrast mechanisms.
IC Bache,
IC Bache, BL Thiel,
148. MF Butler, AM Donald and AJ Ryan - 1997. Polymer 38 5521-5538. Time-resolved simultaneous small and wide angle X-ray scattering during polyethylene deformation 1. Cold drawing of copolymers.
149. PJ Jenkins and AM Donald -1997. Stärke 49 262-7. The effect of acid hydrolysis on native starch granule structure.
150. BL Thiel, MR Hussein-Ismail and AM Donald- 1997. Microscopy and Microanalyis 1997, 3 supp 2: 609-10. Effects of space charge on ESEM gas amplification.
151. BL Thiel, AL Fletcher and AM Donald- 1997. Microscopy and Microanalyis 1997, 3 supp 2: 1196-7. Comparison of amplification and imaging behaviours of several gases in the environmental SEM.
152. C He, AM Donald, MF Butler and O Diat -1997. Polymer 39 659-667. Small angle X-ray scattering analysis of crazing in rubber toughened polymers: influence of particle deformation.
153. PJ Jenkins and AM Donald - 1997. J Appl Poly Sci.66 225-32. Breakdown of crystal structure in potato starch during gelatinisation.
154. C He and AM Donald - 1997. J Mat Sci 32 5661-67. Morphology of deformed rubber toughened PMMA film.
155. MF Butler, AM Donald and AJ Ryan -1998. Polymer 39 39-52. Time-resolved simultaneous small and wide angle X-ray scattering during polyethylene deformation 2. Cold drawing of linear polyethylene.
156. MF Butler, AM Donald and AJ Ryan -1998. Polymer 39 781-792. Time-resolved simultaneous small and wide angle X-ray scattering during polyethylene deformation 3. Compression of polyethylene.
157. MF Butler and AM Donald -1998. J Appl Poly Sci 67 321-329. Real time in situ light scattering and X-ray scattering studies of polyethylene blown film deformation.
158. C He, MF Butler and AM Donald - 1998. Macromols 31 158-64. In-situ deformation studies of rubber toughened PMMA: influence of rubber particle concentrations and rubber crosslinking densities.
159. SJ Livings, C Breach, A C Smith and AM Donald - 1998. Carb Poly 34 347-55. Physical Ageing of Wheat Flour Based Confectionery Wafers.
160. C He, AM Donald, AC Griffin, T Waigh and AH Windle -1998. J Poly Sci -Poly Phys Ed, Vol.36, 1617-1624. Structure of a self-assembled hydrogen bonded 'living' main chain liquid crystalline polymer.
HZY Han, TCB McLeish, RA
162. PJ Jenkins and AM Donald - 1998. Carb Res 308 133-147. Gelatinisation of starch: a combined SAXS/WAXS/DSC and SANS study.
163. DJ Stokes, BL Thiel and AM Donald - 1998. Langmuir 14 4402-8. Direct observation of water-oil emulsion systems in the liquid state by environmental SEM.
164. IC Bache and AM Donald -1998. J Cer Sci 28 127-33. The structure of the gluten network in dough: A study using ESEM
166. MF Butler and AM Donald - 1998. Macromols 31, 6234-49. A real time simultaneous small and wide angle X-ray scattering study of in situ polyethylene deformation at elevated temperatures.
168. BL Thiel and AM Donald - 1998. Annals of Botany 82 727-33. In situ mechanical testing of fully hydrated carrots (daucus carota) in the environmental SEM.
169. TA Waigh, AM Donald, F Heidelbach, C Riekel and MJ Gidley - 1999. Biopolymers 49, 91-105. Analysis of the native structure of starch granules with small angle X-ray microfocus diffraction.
170. HL Bos and AM Donald – 1999. J Mat Sci 34 3029-34. In situ ESEM study of the deformation of elementary flax fibres.
171. BL Thiel and AM Donald –1999. J Mol Liq 80 207-30. The study of water in heterogeneous media using Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy.
172. AL Fletcher, BL Thiel and AM Donald –1999. J Micros.196 26-34. Signal components in the ESEM.
173. LM Jenkins and AM Donald – 1999. Langmuir 15 7829-7835. Condensation of water droplets onto individual fibres for contact angle measurement in the ESEM.
174. CM Durrani and AM Donald – 2000. Carb Poly 41 207-17. Shape, molecular weight distribution and viscosity of amylopectin in dilute solution.
175. M Warner, BL Thiel and AM Donald – 2000. Proc Nat Acad Sci. 97 1370-5. The elasticity and failure of fluid-filled cellular solids – theory and experiment.
176. DJ Stokes and AM Donald – 2000. J Mat Sci. 35 599-607. In situ mechanical testing of dry and hydrated breadcrumb in the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope.
177. LM Jenkins and AM Donald – 2000. Textile Research J. 70 269-76. Observing fibres swelling in water using the ESEM.
178. PA Perry and AM Donald – 2000. Polymer 41 6361-6373. The effects of low temperature on starch granule structure.
179. TA Waigh, MJ Gidley, BU Komanshek and AM Donald – 2000. Carb Res 328 165-76. The phase transformations in starch during gelatinisation: a liquid crystalline approach.
180. PA Perry and AM Donald – 2000. Int J Biol Macromol 28 , 31-39. A SANS study of the distribution of water within starch granules.
181. PA Perry and AM Donald – 2000. Biomacromols 1 424-32. The role of plasticisation in starch granule assembly.
182. BL Thiel and AM Donald –2000. J Text Stud 31 437-55. Microstructural failure mechanisms in cooked and aged carrots.
183. AM Donald, C He, CP Royall, M Sferrazza, NA Stelmashenko and BL Thiel, - 2000. Colloids and Polymers A 174 37-53. Application of ESEM to colloidal aggregation and film formation.
184. DJ Stokes, BL Thiel and AM Donald – 2000. Scanning 22 ,357-65. Dynamic secondary electron contrast effects in liquid systems studied by environmental scanning electron microscopy.
185. TA Waigh, KL Kato, AM Donald, MJ Gidley, CJ Clarke and C Riekel – 2000. Stärke 52 450-60. Side chain liquid crystalline models for starch.
186. J Crawshaw, M Sferrazza and AM Donald –2001. Plastics, Composites and Rubbers 30, 68-76. SAXS investigation of deformation in PMMA toughened with core shell particles.
187. M Sferrazza, J Crawshaw , AM Donald and T Narayanan – 2001. Macromolecules 34. 6708-18. Evidence of highly localised failure within core shell toughening particles from in situ small angle scattering.
OM Astley,
A M Donald, K L
191. NA Stelmashenko, J Craven, AM Donald, BL Thiel and EM Terentjev – 2001. J Micros 204, 172-183. Topographic contrast of partially wetting water droplets in Environmental Scanning Microscopy
192. CP Royall, BLThiel and AM Donald – 2001. J Micros 204, 185-195. Radiation Damage of Water in ESEM.
KP Plucknett,
FS Baker, V Normand and AM Donald - 2001. J Mat Sci
Lett 20, 1553-57. Fractographic
examination of hydrated biopolymer gel composites using environmental scanning
electron microscopy.
194. J Craven, FS Baker, BL Thiel and AM Donald- 2002. J Microscopy 205, 96-105. Consequences of positive ions on imaging in the ESEM.
195. M Toth, BL Thiel and AM Donald – 2002. J Microscopy 205, 86-95. On the role of electron-ion combination in low vacuum SEM.
196. RG Mathews and AM Donald – 2002. Scanning 24, 75-85. Conditions for Imaging Emulsions in the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope.
197. M Toth, MR Phillips, BL Thiel, and AM Donald 2002. J Appl Phys 91, 4479-91. Electron imaging of dielectrics under simultaneous electron-ion irradiation.
198. M Toth, MR Phillips, BL Thiel, and AM Donald –2002. J Appl Phys, 91, 4492-99. Electric fields produced by electron irradiation of insulators in a low vacuum environment.
199. PA Perry and AM Donald – 2002. Carb Poly 49, 155-65. The effects of sugar on starch gelatinisation.
200. S Zeeman, A Tiessen, E Pilling, L Kato, AM Donald and AM Smith – 2002. Plant Physiology 129, 516-29. Starch synthesis in Arabidopsis; leaf starch is fundamentally similar to storage starches.
201. CM Ramsdale, IC Bache, JD Mackenzie, DS Thomas, AC Arias, AM Donald, RH Friend and NC Greenham –2002. Physica E 14 268-71. ESEM imaging of polyfluorene blend cross sections for organic devices.
202. M Toth, DR Daniels, BL Thiel and AM Donald – 2002. J Phys D Appl Phys 35 1796-1804. Quantification of electron-ion recombination in an electron-beam-irradiated capacitor.
203. DC Fulton, A Edwards, E Pilling, HL Robinson, B Fahy. R Seale, L Kato, AM Donald, P Geigenberger and AM Smith – 2002. J Biol Chem 277, 10834-41. Determination of Starch Granule Morphology in Potato.
204. CP Royall and AM Donald – 2002. Phys Rev E 66, 021406. Silica percolation in matt water-based lacquer.
205. AF Miller and AM Donald – 2002. Langmuir 18 10155-62. Surface and interfacial tension of cellulose suspensions.
206. CP Royall and AM Donald – 2002. Scanning 24 305-13. Optimisation of environmental SEM for observation of drying of matt water-based lacquers.
207. CP Royall and AM Donald – 2002. Langmuir 18 9519-26. Surface properties and structural collapse of silica in matt water-based lacquers.
208. JA Callow, MP Osborne, ME Callow, F Baker and AM Donald – 2003. Coll and Surf B 27 315-21. Use of ESEM to image the spore adhesive of the marine alga Enteromorpha in its natural hydrated state.
209. M Toth, BL Thiel, and AM Donald – 2003. Ultramicroscopy 94 71-87. Interpretation of secondary electron images obtained using a low vacuum SEM.
OM Astley,
212. R Rizzieri, FS Baker and AM Donald- 2003. Polymer 44 5927-35. A study of the large strain deformation and failure behaviour of mixed biopolymer gels via in situ ESEM.
213. AF Miller and AM Donald – 2003. Biomacromols 4 510-17. Imaging of anisotropic cellulose suspensions using ESEM.
214. DR Daniels and AM Donald – 2003. Biopolymers 69 165-175. An improved model for analysing the SAXS of starch granules.
215. AM Donald, FS Baker, AC Smith and K Waldron 2003. Annals of Botany 92 73-7. Fracture of plant tissues and walls as visualized by environmental scanning electron microscopy.
217. R Rizzieri, FS Baker and AM Donald- 2003. Rev Sci Inst 74 4423-28. A new tensometer to study strain deformation and failure behaviour of hydrated systems via in situ ESEM.
218. A Blennow, M Hansen, A Schutz, AM Donald and J Sanderson – 2003. J Struct Biol 143 229-41. The molecular deposition of transgenetically modified starch as imaged by high resolution microscopy.
P Meredith, AM Donald,
221. DR Daniels and AM Donald – 2004. Macromols 37 1312-18. Soft Material Characterisation of the Lamellar Properties of Starch: Smectic Side-Chain Liquid-Crystalline Polymeric Approach.
222. MRH Krebs, CE MacPhee, AF Miller, I Dunlop, CM Dobson, AM Donald – 2004. PNAS 101, 14420-4. The formation of spherulites by bovine insulin amyloid fibrils.
223. SJ Williams and AM Donald – 2004. J Micros 216, 241-8. Investigation of quantitative secondary electron imaging of semi-conducting polymers materials using ESEM.
224. EHC Bromley, MRH Krebs and AM Donald – 2005. Far Disc 128, 13-27. Aggregation across the lengthscales in b lactoglobulin.
226. MRH Krebs, EHC Bromley and AM Donald - 2005. J Struct Biol, 149, 30-37. The binding of thioflavin T to amyloid fibrils: Localisation and implications.
229. T Liu, AM Donald and Z Zhang - – 2005. Mat Sci and Tech 21, 289-94. Novel manipulation in ESEM for measuring the mechanical properties of single nano-particles.
230. MRH Krebs, ECH Bromley and AM Donald – 2005. Biophys J 88 2013-21. The mechanism of spherulite formation by bovine insulin amyloid fibrils.
232. SJ Williams, AM Donald, BL Thiel and DE Morrison – 2005. Scanning 27, 190-8. Imaging of semi-conducting polymer blend systems using ESEM and ESTEM.
233. SS Rogers, P Venema, L Sagis, E van der Linden, AM Donald – 2005. Macromols 38, 2948-58. Measuring the Length Distribution of a Fibril System: a Flow Birefringence Technique applied to Amyloid Fibrils.
234. R Rizzieri, L Mahadevan, A Vaziri and AM Donald – 2006. Langmuir 22 3622-26. Superficial wrinkles in stretched, drying gelatin films.
Rogers, P Venema, L Sagis,
E van der Linden, AM Donald and J van der Ploeg –
2005. EPJE 18 207- 217. Electric
birefringence study of an amyloid fibril system: the short end of the length
Rogers, MRH Krebs, EHC Bromley, E van der Linden and AM Donald – 2006. Biophys J 90
1043-54. Optical microscopy of growing
insulin amyloid spherulites on surfaces in vitro.
Hasnain and AM Donald – 2006. PRE 73 031901. Microrheological characterisation of
anisotropic materials.
Rogers, P Venema, JPM van der Ploeg,
E van der Linden, LMC Sagis and AM Donald - 2006. Biopolymers 82, 241-52. Investigating the permanent electric dipole
moment of b-lactoglobulin amyloid fibrils,
using transient flow birefringence.
239. JS Sanderson, RD Daniels, AM Donald and A Blennow and Engelsen – 2006. Carb Poly 60 433-443. Exploratory SAXS and HPAEC studies of starches from diverse plants.
240. EHC Bromley, MRH Krebs and AM Donald – 2006. EPJE 21 145-52. Mechanisms of structure formation in b-lactoglobulin near the isoelectric point.
C Klein, P Venema,
L Sagis, D van Dusschoten,
M Wilhelm, H W Spiess , E van der Linden, S S Rogers and A M. Donald- 2007. Appl
Rheol 17, 45210-1 -1-7. Optimised rheo-optical measurements using Fast Fourier Transform and
242. MRH Krebs and AM Donald – 2007. Biophys J 92, 1336-1342. Protein particulates: another generic form of protein aggregation.
243. Y Ren, AM Donald and Z Zhang – 2007. Mat Sci Tech 23 857-64. Investigation of the radiation damage to microcapsules in an ESEM
Domike and AM Donald – 2007. Biomacromols
8 3930-7. Thermal dependence of thermally induced protein spherulite
formation and growth: kinetics of b -lactoglobulin and insulin.
Dragnevski and AM Donald – 2008. Prog in Org
Coatings 61 63-7. Microstructural evolution of a
novel acrylic latex.
Dragnevski and AM Donald - 2008. Coll
and Surf A 317 551-6. Film formation mechanism of novel acrylic latex
for solvent-free architectural coatings.
Krebs, KR Domike, D Cannon and AM Donald – 2008. Far
Disc 139 265-74. Common motifs in
protein self-assembly.
HA Houghton and AM Donald – 2008. Scanning 30
223-7. An environmental scanning microscopy study of aqueous gibbsite suspensions.
KI Dragnevski
and AM Donald – 2008. Journal of Phys Conf Ser 126 012077. Applications
of environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) in the study of novel
drying latex films.
D Waller, D J Stokes and AM Donald –
2008. Rev Sci Inst 79
Art No: 103709. Improvements to a cryo-system
to observe ice nucleating in a variable pressure SEM.
K Dragnevski,
AM Donald, TW Fairhead, R Balsod,
P Taylor, MW
Murray, EL Bone, and SJ Davies -
2008. Rev Sci
Inst 79 Art No: 126107. A new tensile stage for in-situ ESEM examination
of the mechanical properties of super elastic specimens.
Y Ren, AM
Donald and Z Zhang. Investigation of the morphology, viability and mechanical
properties of yeast cells in ESEM - 2008. Scanning 30 435-42.
D M Wright, J J
Rickard, N Kyle, T G Gard, H Dobberstein , A M Donald and J
PM Stevenson and AM Donald, - 2009.
Langmuir 25 367-76. Identification of three regimes of behaviour for
cell attachment on topographically patterned substrates.
Kirk, JN Skepper and AM Donald – 2009. J Micros 233,
205-24. Application of VPSEM to determine biological surface structure.
K Dragnevski, AM Donald, SM Clarke and A Maltby
– 2009. Colloids and Surfaces A 337 47-51. Applications of ESEM and EDX in the study of amide containing polymer
KI Dragenevski, AM Donald, P Taylor, MW Murray, EL Bone and SJ Davies –
2009. Prog Org Coatings 65 19-24.
Structure-property relationship in aging acrylic latex films.
259. B Sung, MS Kim, A Corrigan, AM Donald and K-S Soh – 2009. PRE 79 art 022901. In-situ microextraction method to determine the viscosity of biofluid in novel threadlike structures on the surfaces of mammalian organs
Corrigan and AM Donald – 2009. EPJE 28
457-52 . Particle tracking microrheology of
gel-forming amyloid fibril networks.
J Benawara and AM Donald –
2009. J Micros 234 89-94.
Developing dual beam methodologies for the study of heterogeneous polymer-based
KR Domike and AM
Donald – 2009. Int J Biol Macromols 44 301-10. Kinetics of Spherulite
Formation and Growth: Salt and Protein Concentration Dependence on Proteins
β-lactoglobulin and Insulin.
AM Corrigan and
AM Donald – 2009. Langmuir 25, 8599-8605. Passive
microrheology of solvent-induced fibrillar protein networks.
Krebs, G Devlin and AM Donald – 2009. Biophys J 96
5013-9. Amyloid fibril-like structure underlies the aggregate structure across the
pH-range for beta-lactoglobulin
EF Barnwell, ES Abelardo,
267. C Picard and AM Donald – 2009. EPJE 30, 127-34. The impact of environmental changes on the microrheology of adherent cells.
K Dragnevski, A Donald, P
MRH Krebs, KR Domike
and AM Donald -
2009. Biochem Trans 37, 682-6. Protein
aggregation: more than just fibrils.
J Stenson, Y Ren,
AM Donald and Z Zhang – 2010. Experimental Techniques Mar/Apr 2010,
60-62. Compression testing by nanomanipulation in
T Zheng, K.W. Waldron, A. M. Donald – 2009. Planta 230
1105-13. Investigation of viability of onion epidermal tissue in the
environmental scanning electron microscopy .
C Exley, E House, JF Collingwood, MR
Davidson, D Cannon and AM Donald - 2010. J Alzheimers
Disease 20 1159-65. Spherulites in Abeta 42 in
vitro and in Alzheimers Disease.
273. X Wang, X Li, J Huang, M Edirisinghe, C Shroeder, D Waller, A Donald, S Best and R Cameron - 2010. Carb Poly 79 989-997. Novel preparation and characterisation of porous alginate films.
274. KI Dragnevski, AF Routh, MW Murray and AM Donald – 2010. Langmuir 26 7747-7751. Cracking of drying latex films: an ESEM experiment.
275. D Waller, DJ Stokes and AM Donald- 2010. EPJ App Phys 51, 10901. Investigating sublimation and the effect of an imaging gas in a VPSEM.
AM Corrigan and AM
Donald – 2010. Soft Matter 6 4105-4111. Lengthscale Dependence of Apparent Critical Exponents Determined by
Vibration-corrected Two-particle Microrheology.
T Wang, ADF Dunbar, PA Staniec,
AJ Pearson, PE Hopkinson, S Lilliu, JE MacDonald, C
Pizzey, NJ Rerrill, AM Donald, AJ Ryan, RAL Jones and
DG Lidzey – 2010. Soft Matter 6 4128-4134.The development of nanoscale morphology in polymer:fullerene photovoltaic
blends during solvent casting.
C Picard, V Hearnden,
M Massignani, S Achouri, G Battaglia,
V Fodera and AM Donald
- 2010. EPJE 33 273-82. Tracking the heterogeneous distribution of
amyloid spherulites and their population balance with free fibrils.
KS Kung, I Canton,
M Massignani, G Battaglia, AM Donald – 2011.EPJE 34, 23-32. The development of anisotropic behaviours
of 3T3 fibroblasts on microgrooved patterns.
N Thomson, K Channon, N A Mokhtar, L Staniewicz, R Rai, I Roy,
Donald, D Summer and E Sivaniah – 2011. Scanning 33 58-68. Imaging internal features of whole, unfixed bacteria.
PE Hopkinson, PA Staniec,
AJ Pearson, ADF Dunbar, T Wang, AJ Ryan, RAL Jones, DG Lidzey
and AM Donald – 2011. Macromols 44 2908-17. A
phase diagram of the P3HT:PCBM organic photovoltaic
system: Implications for device processing and performance.
AJ Parnell, AJ Cadby,
OO Mykhaylyk, ADF Dunbar, PE Hopkinson, AM Donald and RAL Jones - 2011. Macromols 44, 6503- 8. The Nanoscale Phase
Separation of P3HT PCBM Thick Films as measured by Small Angle X-ray
PA Staniec, AJ
Parnell, ADF Dunbar, H Yi, AJ Pearson, T Wang, PE Hopkinson, C Kinane, RM Dalgleish, AM Donald,
AJ Ryan, A Iraqui, RAL Jones and DG Lidzey - 2011. Adv Energy Mat 1
499-504. The nanoscale morphology of a PCDTBT:PCBM
photovoltaic blend.
Smith M, Fodera
V, Sharp JS,
Roberts CJ and Donald AM – 2012. Coll and Surfaces B Biointerfaces 89, 216-222.
Factors affecting the formation of insulin amyloid spherulites.
AJ Pearson, PE Hopkinson, T Wang, PA Staniec, RAL Jones, AM Donald and
DG Lidzey – 2012. Macromols
44, 1499-1508. Rationalising the
thermal annealing temperature for P3HT:PCBM blends.
288. L Staniewicz, AM Donald, DJ Stokes, N Thomson, E Sivaniah, A Grant , D Bulmer and CM Anjam Khan – 2012. J Micros 237-246. The application of STEM and controlled dehydration to bacterial systems using ESEM.
289. A Aufderhorst- Roberts, W Frith and AM Donald – 2012., Soft Matter 8 5940-5946. Micro-Scale Kinetics and Heterogeneity of a pH Triggered Hydrogel.
D Cannon, Danielle and AM Donald – 2013. Soft Matter 9 2852-2857. Control of
liquid crystallinity of amyloid-forming systems.
291. JE McGregor, LTL Staniewicz, SE Guthrie and AM Donald - 2013. Methods in molecular biology 931 493-516. Environmental scanning electron microscopy in cell biology.
292. T Wang, NW Scarratt, HA Yi, ADF Dunbar, AJ Pearson, DC Watters, TS Glen, AC Brook, J Kingsley, AR Buckley, MWA Skoda, AM Donald, RAL Jones, A Iraqi, DG Lidzey - 2013. Adv Energy Mat 3 505-12. Fabricating High Performance, DonorAcceptor Copolymer Solar Cells by Spray-Coating in Air.
293. FC Christie, AM Donald and OA Scherman - 2013. Biopolymers 100 Special Issue 289-289. Inhibition of human insulin aggregation through supramolecular host-guest interactions.
294. AM Corrigan, RL Shrestha, I Zulkipli, N Hiroi,, Y Liu, N Tamura, B Yang, Bing, J Patel, A Funahashi, A Donald and VM Draviam, - 2013. Cell Cycle 12 2643-2655. Automated tracking of mitotic spindle pole positions shows that LGN is required for spindle rotation but not orientation maintenance.
295. V Fodera, A Zaccone, M Lattauda and AM Donald - 2013. PRL 111 108105. Electrostatics controls the formation of amyloid superstructures in protein aggregation.
296. A Aufderhorst-Roberts, WJ Frith, M Kirkland and AM Donald - 2014. Langmuir 30 4483-92. Microrheology and microstructure of Fmoc-derivative hydrogels.
297. A Aufderhorst-Roberts, WJ Frith and AM Donald - 2014. EPJE 37 article 44. A microrheological study of hydrogel kinetics and micro-heterogeneity.
298. V Foderà, V Vetri , TS Wind, W Noppe , C Cornett, AM Donald A.M., L Morozova-Roche and B Vestergaard - 2014. J Phys Chem Lett 5, 3254–3258. Observation of the Early Structural Changes Leading to the Formation of Protein Superstructures.
299. C-K Huang and AM Donald – 2015. Interface 12 20141064. Revealing the dependence of cell spreading kinetics on its spreading morphology using microcontact printed fibronectin patterns.
300. J Ioannou, Donald AM and Tromp H – 2015. Food Hydrocolloids 46 216-225. Characterising the secondary structure changes occurring in high density systems of BLG dissolved in aqueous pH3 buffer.
301. RC Masters, AJ Pearson, TS Glen, FC Sasam, LT Li, M Dapor, AM Donald, DG Lidzey and C Rodenbury – 2015. Nature Comms 6 6928. Sub-nanometer resolution imaging of polymer-fullerene photovoltaic blends using energy-filtered scanning electron microscopy.
302. WJ Frith, AM Donald, DJ Adams, A Aufderhorst- Roberts – 2015. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 222 104-11. Gels formed from amino-acid derivatives, their novel rheology as probed by bulk and particle tracking rheological methods.
303. TS Glen, NW Scarratt, H Yi, A Iraqi, T Wang, J Kinglsey, AR Buckley, DG Lidzey and AM Donald -2015. Solar Energy Mat Solar Cells 140 25-32. Grain size dependence of degradation of aluminium/calcium cathodesi n organic solar cells following exposure to humid air.
AM Donald and AH Windle,
1992. "Liquid Crystalline
Polymers" in the
AM Donald, S Hanna and AH Windle, "Liquid Crystalline Polymers" , CUP 2nd edition 2006.
AM Donald, PJ Frazier and P Richmond editors. 'Starch: structure and function". RSC, 1997.
TL Barsby, AM Donald and PJ Frazier, editors. 'Starch Advances in structure and function". RSC, 2001.
1. A.M. Donald & A.H. Windle - 1985, "Recent Advances in Liquid Crystalline Polymers", Applied Science, Chapter 12. Electron microscopy of thermotropic copolyesters.
2. AM Donald, AC Smith and SC Warburton - 1993 in "The glassy state in foods", ed JMV Blanshard and PJ Lillford, Nottingham University Press, 375-393. Physical changes consequent upon the extrusion of starch.
3. AM Donald -1994. "Failure Mechanisms in Polymeric Materials" Chapter 1 in "Rubber Toughened Engineering Plastics", ed AA Collyer, Chapman and Hall.
4. AM Donald -1994 Reports on Progress in Physics 57 1081-1135 . Physics of Foodstuffs.
5. AM Donald, CM Durrani, RAL Jones, RH Tromp and AR Rennie 1996 "Biopolymer Mixtures', ed JM Mitchell and S Harding, 99-116. Physical methods to study Phase Separation in Protein/ polysaccharide Mixtures.
L Sun, CM Durrani and
AM Donald, Gums
and Stabilisers in the Food Industry, 1996, OUP, eds
7. RE Cameron and AM Donald - Procedures in Electron Microscopy Ch 14 module 10. Minimising sample evaporation in the environmental scanning electron microscope.
8. AM Donald 'Crazing' in "The Physics of Glassy Polymers" 2nd edition 1997, eds RN Haward and RA Young, 295-342 Chapman and Hall.
9. AM Donald 'Crazing' in "Performance of Plastics", ed W Brostow, to appear in 1999.
AM Donald,
11. JL Keddie, P Meredith, RAL Jones and AM Donald -1998. Colloidal Systems ed RH Ottewill and AR Rennie, Kluwer, 51-60. Film Formation of Latices.
12. AM Donald, TA Waigh, PJ Jenkins, MJ Gidley, M Debet and A Smith, in Starch: structure and function. eds AM Donald, PJ Frazier and P Richmond, RSC 1997, 172-179. Internal structure of starch granules revealed by scattering studies.
13. AM Donald –1999. Application of X-ray scattering to the study of the mechanical properties of polymers, Mechanical Properties and Mechanical Testing of Polymers, Chapman and Hall, ed GM Swallowe, 278-80.
14. AM Donald –1999. Application of electron microscopy to the study of the mechanical properties of polymers, Mechanical Properties and Mechanical Testing of Polymers, Chapman and Hall, ed GM Swallowe 49-51.
15. AM Donald -1998 Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface and Science 3 143-8. Environmental scanning electron microscopy for the study of 'wet' systems.
16. AM Donald and BL Thiel - 1999.
NATO-ASI proceedings (Erice): Impact of electron and
scanning probe microscopy on materials research, eds D Rickerby et al, 1999,
415-44. ESEM image contrast and
applications to wet organic materials.
17. AM Donald and BL Thiel, - 1999. UK/Indo Forum on Structure and Dynamics in the Mesoscopic Domain, ed M Lal, RA Mashelkar, BD Kulkarni and VM Naik, Imperial College Press, 1-10. Environmental SEM application in Polymers and Colloids Research.
18. AM Donald - 1998. Materials World- 6 399-401. Taking SEM’s into a new environment.
19. AM Donald –1999. Fibre Diffraction Review 8 31-37. Unravelling starch granule structure with small angle scattering.
20. AM
21. CP Royall, DJ Stokes, IM Hopkinson and AM Donald Confocal Microscopy and Environmental SEM for Polymers Polymer News, 26 (2001) 226-233.
M Warner, SF Edwards, BL Thiel
and AM Donald, Supramolecular and Colloidal Structures in Biomaterials and Biosubstitutes, eds M Lal, PJ Lillford, VM Naik and V Prakash.
23. IC
Bache, DJ Stokes, BL Thiel and AM Donald,, Supramolecular
and Colloidal Structures in Biomaterials and Biosubstitutes,
eds M Lal, PJ Lillford, VM Naik and V Prakash.
24. 3 contributions to the Elsevier Encyclopaedia of Materials: Science and Techology on Food Gels, Liquid Crystalline Polymers in Nature and Polysaccharide Crystallisation.
25. AM Donald - 2001 Cereal Chem 78,307-14. Plasticisation and Self Assembly in the Starch Granule.
26. CP Royall and AM Donald , in Film Formation and Coatings, ed T Provder and MW Urban, ACS Symp Series 790, 2001. Confocal microscopy and environmental SEM applied to matting water-based lacquers.
27. AM
Donald, in Food Colloids, Biopolymers and Materials, eds
28. FS Baker, J Craven and AM Donald, in Techniques for Polymer Organisation and Morphological Characterisation, ed RA Pethrick and C Viney, Wiley 2003 111-43.
29. AM Donald, 2003. Nature Materials 2003, 2 51-6. The use of environmental scanning electron microscopy for imaging wet and insulating materials.
30. AM Donald, 2003 in ‘Starch in Food; Structure, Function and Applications’ ed A-C Eliasson, Woodhead Publishing. Understanding Starch Structure and Functionality.
31. AM Donald, Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) in ‘Tissue Engineering using Ceramics and Polymers’ ed J Gough, Woodhead Publishing 2007, pp204-225.
32. P Cicuta and AM Donald – 2007. Soft Matter, 2, 1449 – 1455. Microrheology: a review of the method and applications.
33. AM Donald - – 2007. J Poly Sci Phys Ed 45, 3257-62. Why should polymer physicists study biopolymers?
34. AM Donald – 2008. Soft Matter 4, 1147 - 1150. Aggregation in beta lactoglobulin.
35. KI
Dragnevski and AM Donald –
2008. Applications of environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM)
in the study of novel drying latex films.
EMAG: Electron Microscopy And Analysis Group
Conference 2007 Book Series: Journal Of Physics
Conference Series 126, 12077-12077.
36. J
Benawra, AM Donald
, M
37. AM Donald, MRS Bulletin Sept 2010. Characterising Soft Matter.
38. JE McGregor,
Z. Wang, C. ffrench-Constant and AM Donald –
2010. Microscopy
of myelination in "Microscopy:
Science, Technology, Applications and Education” Vol 2 1185-1195 Eds: Antonio Méndez-Vilas and Jesús
Díaz Álvarez,
39. L Nuccio,V Fodera, FL Pratt, AM Donald and AJ Drew 2011. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 40 Supp 1 183-183. Studying electron transfer in oligopeptides through muSR
40. V Fodera, S Pagliara,UF Keyser and AM Donald - 2011. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 40 Supp 1 89-89. Flow-induced polymorphism of protein aggregates in micro channels.
41. JE McGregor,
LTL Staniewicz, SE Guthrie (Nee Kirk) and AM Donald-
2013. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 931 493-516.
42. AM Donald - 2014. Phys. Biol. 11 053008 Let's not forget plants.
A.M.Donald, 1989, Nature (News and Views), 338, 20. Surface segregation of blends.
A.M.Donald, 1992, Polymer News, 17, 58-60. Centres of Polymer Research, The Cavendish Laboratory.
A.M.Donald, 1993, Nature (new journal reviews), 365, 363
A.M. Donald, 1996 Microworld 9 , 3-4. Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy.
BL Thiel and AM Donald, submitted to Philips ElectronOptics Bulletin. Environmental SEM research at the Cavendish Laboratory.
A.M.Donald, 1999 Physics World (Feb, 27-32). Colluding over Colloids.
AM Donald, 2000 CCP13 Newsletter. Unravelling starch granule structure with small angle scattering.
W Poon, TCB Mcleish and AM Donald 2001 Physics World (May 2001) 33-38. Soft Condensed Matter: where physics meets biology
AM Donald Nature Materials Sept 04 Commentary: Food for Thought.
AM Donald, 2005. Nano Today May 2005 56. Self assembly for bionanotechnology.
Occasional book/journal reviews for the Royal Society of Chemistry, J Microscopy, Physics World, Nature, Times Higher Education and Heinemann-Butterworths.
Publications on
AM Donald EU Projects: Opinion February 2010
AM Donald In Wissenschaft and Gender; Osterreichisen Forschungsgemeinschaft – 2011 pp 33- 54. Science and Gender in Academia - Obstacles and Interventions
AM Donald Chapter 3 in
Unlocking Potential - perspectives on
women in science, engineering and technology ed Meg Munn, Smith Institute – 2011. The leaky
pipeline wastes too much talent.